RealTimeQuery 2.0 |
is the perfect tool for offering online support to your customers.
The program enables your users to contact you in real time while
visiting your website.
RealTimeQuery acts as a server on your PC, it listens
for connections from your website, opening a direct communication
channel between you and your customers. |
Available from
$99,95 USD |
IsOnPost 1.1 |
helps you organize and remind you of various events and happenings.
It enables you to create neat calendar windows where you can
post your work notes, things to do, ideas or any event you wish
to remember.
The IsOnPost interface is very intuitive, it shows you a list
of notes you can sort by its importance or by its creation date
and lets you show, hide or delete each individual note. IsOnPost
can be configured to show your notes just after it is executed
and to start running when Windows starts up, also you can access
the program in a menu on the system tray. |
Available from
$19,95 USD |
CamUpload 1.4 |
CamUpload is an easy
to use tool for uploading webcam images to your website. Images
created with CamUpload can also be stored in the local system
or in any system in your LAN as JPG files.
CamUpload uploads an image at user preset time intervals, and
can be configured to capture images only when movement is detected.
CamUpload uses its own embedded FTP client to send the webcam
images to your website. It can work minimized in your computer
tray, as a background task. Also CamUpload can be configured
to start running when Windows starts up and activate your webcam
CamUpload is widely configurable, outputs jpg quality images,
implements movement detection sensibility, prints the time stamp
over the captured images and much more. |
Available from
$19,95 USD |